Business Services in Dubai Mainland:
Dubai Economy (Department of Economic Development) is a government agency charged with formulating and promoting the economic agenda of the Emirate of Dubai, UAE. The Dubai economy supports Dubai’s structural transformation into a diversified and innovative service-oriented economy, which aims to improve the business environment and accelerate productivity growth. The steps to open a company in Dubai Mainland are similar to establishing a company in Abu Dhabi, however some rules and regulations may differ.
Business Setup in UAE
United Arab Emirates’ Business environment is favorable for investors around the globe. UAE’s infrastructure is one of a kind . . .
Offshore Company Incorporation in UAE
United Arab Emirates’ Business environment is favorable for investors around the globe. UAE’s infrastructure is one of a kind . . .
Bank Account Assistance
When it comes to forming a new corporate organization, one of the first things to consider is banking. Banks in the UAE . . .
PRO Services
How often do we understand that we could use our time better, and regret that we didn’t spend it wisely? FZ Businessman understands . . .

Ready to get started? Contact us!
For more information on how to set up a business in these Emirates, you can email our main office FZ Business Consultancy at or call our landline number +97167400650 for assistance.